Residents Receive Care of the Elderly Scholar Prize

The Department of Family Practice Care of the Elderly Committee awards the scholar prize to second year residents who demonstrate excellence in scholarly projects related to care of the elderly. The award supports research and scholarship that contributes to geriatrics within the discipline of family practice. This year’s recipients are as follows.

  • A Scoping Review: How Unattached Patients Obtain Cancer Screening Across Canada
    • Recipients: Jennifer Borchert, Vicki Brannan, Wade Heinrichs
    • Site: Okanagan South
  • Family Physicians’ Knowledge, Perceptions and Practices Regarding Frailty in British Columbia
    • Recipients: Tharmegan Tharmaratnam
    • Site: St. Paul’s
    • Also awarded the Dr. Betty Calam Resident Research Award for this project

Please join us in congratulating these residents on their outstanding projects!