The Postgraduate Program in the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia, invites applications from Family Physicians for the position of Site Director for the Addiction Medicine Fraser Site, with the Family Practice Enhanced Skills Program.
This is a comprehensive training program, which creates expertise in the provision of addictions services. The endpoint is the creation of community leaders who are comfortable providing addiction care in urban through to remote settings. Residents in this program progress through this program alongside fellows in the Addiction Medicine fellowship at the BC Centre on Substance Use. The Fraser Health site will be a new training site, with 2.0 FTE (2 residents in a one year training position) beginning in July 2025. There are currently 2.0 FTE Addiction Medicine Enhanced Skills resident positions per year within the existing program, although numbers are variable based on government funding. The Program is accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) under recent accreditation.
Applicants should
- hold a Certificate of Added Competency (CAC) in the domain of Addiction Medicine from the CFPC (or equivalent) and,
- be licensed or eligible for licensure with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (CPSBC).
Educational and administrative experiences in residency training are preferred. The successful candidate will have a proven record of leadership, excellent communication skills, interpersonal skills, and clinical expertise in the field of Addiction Medicine. They should be committed to providing a high-quality experience in Addiction Medicine that is grounded in principles and competencies of Family Practice. They should have the vision and commitment to building the capacity of UBC Enhanced Skills Addiction Medicine training across the province.
The position involves supervision of training, including curriculum development, evaluation and mentoring of residents for one year of residency training, faculty development, and participation with provincial Addictions Medicine educational initiatives. The position requires close communication and collaboration with both the Department of Family Practice and the BCCSU, both based in Vancouver. The Program Director is assisted by an administrative staff.
The successful applicant reports to the Program Director for the Addiction Medicine Program and to the Co-Program Directors for Enhanced Skills. It is anticipated that the position will require the equivalent of approximately .13 FTE. The expected start date for the job is January 1, 2025.
Please see attached document for a more detailed job description.
Interested individuals should submit their letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of three referees to:
Lindsay Gowland – Enhanced Skills Program Manager
Department of Family Medicine
Application deadline: August 19, 2024
Interview Date: September 20, 2024
Position Start: January 1, 2025
Job Description
The Site Director is responsible for overall administration and direction of the Enhanced Skills Addiction Medicine Fraser Site Program in Fraser Health and their associated rotations. The incumbent reports to the Enhanced Skills Addiction Medicine Program Director (Addiction PD) and the Enhanced Skills Program Co-Directors (ES-PDs). The Site Director is a member of the Enhanced Skills Resident Program Committee, and works closely with the Addiction PD, ES-PD, BCCSU Director of the Addiction Medicine Fellowship, and other directors of interdisciplinary fellowships and the Addictions faculty, in the delivery of the program.
Responsibilities include:
Reports to
The Enhanced Skills Category 1 Program Director Addiction Medicine and Enhanced Skills Program Co-Directors (ES-PD) for educational concerns and planning.
Description of Portfolio/Responsibilities
- Participation in the development and continuous quality improvement of the UBC Enhanced Skills Addiction Medicine Program goals and policies
- Administration of overall program policy with Fraser Health
- Assures the program meets accreditation requirements of CFPC, and assists in internal and external reviews
- Coordinates overall curriculum delivery and rotations at the Fraser sites consistent with Enhanced Skills Addiction Medicine Residency Program objectives
- Evaluates residents, rotations and training sites and participates in faculty evaluation
- Ensures there is and monitors an in-training assessment program that ensures/plans/monitors the progress of the Fraser Health trainees towards the achievement of the outlined competencies throughout the training year
- Participates in the Enhanced Skills Addiction Medicine Program Competence Committee (ES Addiction Medicine CC).
- Identifies residents in difficulty (academic or personal) and, in conjunction with the ES Addiction Medicine CC, the Addiction-PD, ES-PD and the ES-CC, develops support and remedial plans for Fraser Health residents
- Reviews learning objectives regularly (minimum every two years), and develops and monitors academic and scholarly activities that support attainment of program objectives, including facilitating resident collaboration in the process in collaboration with the Addiction-PD
- Supports recruitment and evaluates clinical teachers and academic presenters, ensuring all faculty have appropriate faculty appointments
- Helps provide faculty development for Addictions Faculty
- Encourages research activities among residents and clinical faculty
- Holds bi-annual periodic reviews with each Fraser Health resident to review progress, and issues of resident well-being
- Co-maintains resident records with program administrator
- Participates in the CaRMS resident selection process, including developing the program description, and coordinating file reviews and interviews.
- Organizes orientation for new residents in collaboration with the Addiction-PD
- Ensures program activities are in keeping with RDoBC agreements and University policies
- Collaborates with the Enhanced Skills PD, the Addiction-PD and the other Enhanced Skills Program Directors to support and maintain an innovative and dynamic residency training program throughout the department of Family Medicine.
- Represents the UBC Enhanced Skills Addiction Medicine Fraser Site at the hospital and health authority level
- Collaborates with the BCCSU Addiction Medicine Fellowship Director and other directors of interdisciplinary fellowships to oversee, promote, develop and evaluate the Addictions Fraser Site
- Attends relevant committee meetings as outlined below (Committee Membership)
- Participates in Enhanced Skills faculty development sessions
- Co-facilitates the administration of year-end written assessment with program administrator
- Encourages and promotes activities to promote resident and faculty well-being.
Liaison Functions
As a PGY3 Enhanced Skills Site Director, will need to liaise with the Program Directors of other specialty services to discuss resident evaluations, curriculum development, training opportunities and to resolve conflicts pertaining to these rotations.
Committee Membership
It is expected that the SD will be a member, and attend the following meetings:
- Addiction Medicine/BCCSU Residency Program Committee (4 x year)
- Competency Committee, ES Addiction Medicine (4 X year)
Provides regular reports to the Addiction Medicine Residency Program Committee and to the PGY3 Enhanced Skills Residency Program Committee