JEDI Terms of Reference


  • To promote a culture of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion within the UBC Department of Family Practice 
  • To advise the Department regarding specific actions to be taken to support ongoing cultural changes in the areas of Indigenous cultural safety, anti-racism, decolonization, accessibility, inclusivity, and the promotion of anti-oppressive practices that honour the intersectional identities of learners, faculty and staff
  • To support the Department in its efforts to establish a system of accountability as relates to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion  


This committee was formed in response to a group of interested members of the UBC Family Practice Residency’s Resident Resilience Committee, Curriculum Committee, and Behavioural Medicine Resident Wellness Committee who wished to develop concrete actions in response to issues of racism, equity, diversity and inclusion within the Family Medicine Residency Program.

A unified group was created that included learner, faculty and staff from across the Department to  allow for a broader influence and access to resources and funding that support our work and time.


The committee’s vision recognizes the need to address oppression, discrimination, and issues related to equity, diversity and inclusion within ourselves and our Department.

Guiding Concepts

We recognize the importance of:

1) Soliciting information from group members on oppression and discrimination as well as issues related to EDI experienced by learners, faculty, staff, and patients. This is to ensure that key themes can be used to prioritize and guide current and future initiatives

5)) Embedding EDI principles in regards to recruitment, retention and ongoing support of individuals within our Program with emphasis on increasing diversity within our leadership structures

2) Partnering with other groups within and outside of the Faculty of Medicine in order to ensure coordinated efforts, avoid duplication, and access additional resources and expertise.

3) Communicating and promoting the initiatives and actions of the Committee that are taking place within the Department.

4) The Committee will keep a repository of initiatives and actions in order to guide the Department on cultural and policy changes. This is crucial in establishing a system of accountability within the Department.


The committee acknowledges the inherent power imbalances and dual relationships within our structure and strives to increase representation from those with less power and privilege whose voices we need to hear

Committee members will provide regular updates to co-chairs regarding initiatives and actions taking place in their role(s) within the Department in order that co-chairs are made aware of the overall status of various 

Suggested learner composition to include– 1 midwifery student

  • 1 Graduate/Post-Graduate Student
  • 1 Undergrad med student – pre-clinical and 1 Undergrad med student – clinical , 1 Family Medicine R1, and 1 Family Medicine R2, 1 Family Medicine R3 Enhanced Skills


Members will have roles in the Department as learners, faculty or staff.


One year renewable


Co-Chairs will cycle/alternate through responsibilities of chairing/co-chairing each meeting.

Meeting Schedule, Funding and Administration

Meeting Schedule

Meeting frequency will be determined based on members’ availability and the status of deliverables with an attempt to meet once per term. The Committee’s admin person will send members a poll for meeting attendance after Co-chairs decide upon potential dates for the poll. Co-chairs will meet biweekly.

Ongoing communication and activities will take place via listserv or alternate platform.


Committee Members will be reimbursed for participation at meetings and for work that is undertaken as referred to above under “Guiding Concepts.”

Voting members will be compensated for attending meetings and paid a per hourly rate based on the Department of Family Practice protocols.

Any members who are ineligible to receive monetary compensation will receive a voucher or gift card in recognition of their attendance at meetings.


Capture of the minutes will be done by an admin employed by the UBC Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Practice. This admin will be responsible for sending out calendar invites, collecting and distributing the agenda and related meeting items (including minutes for committee approval)  prior to each meeting, and recording meeting minutes and forwarding to the co-chairs for their perusal. Minutes will be circulated to all members

Records will be maintained in accordance with UBC and Faculty of Medicine records retention procedures.

Quorum and Decision Making Process

Quorum consists of 50% of voting members.

Decisions are typically made by consensus. When consensus does not emerge, decisions will be made by vote, requiring 50% plus one of voting members present to pass.

Lines of Accountability and Communication

The Committee is advisory to the Department of Family Practice

  • An admin maintains a repository on Dropbox or similar sharing platform for minutes and resources accessible to all regular committee members