March 2024 Cedar Award: Ada Okonkwo-Dappa

This month, the Department recognizes Ada Okonkwo-Dappa for the Cedar Award. Thank you to Erza Mjekiqi for submitting the nomination!

Read below for what Erza has to say about Ada:

I am thrilled to nominate Ada for her outstanding work as an evaluation and engagement analyst at the Innovation Support Unit. Ada plays a vital role as the lead coordinator for our CapEs project, demonstrating exceptional dedication in recruiting participants and running multiple Delphi study runs. Ada’s contributions have significantly advanced the project and provided valuable insights for the design of the capacity estimator.

Ada’s passion for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) shines through in her work. She is an active member of our JEDI committee, consistently applying an inclusive lens to her research and analysis. Ada’s commitment to promoting health and wellbeing is evident in her dedication to conducting thorough research and analysis, seeking innovative solutions and advocating for equitable and inclusive practices.

Not only is Ada a highly skilled professional, but she also brings a bright and cheery disposition to our team. Her positive energy adds immense value to our team culture, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment. Ada’s exceptional work ethic, passion for JEDI, and commitment to personal growth make her an invaluable asset to our team. I wholeheartedly recommend Ada for her outstanding contributions and unwavering dedication to advancing our projects and improving health outcomes

Ada’s fearless curiosity and dedication to personal growth are truly commendable. Ada always seeks opportunities to refine her skills and expand her knowledge, perfectly embodying the quote, “don’t decide your limits, discover them.” – Erza Mjekiqi

About Ada

Ada Jane Okonkwo-Dappa (she/her) (MPH) humbly works from the traditional territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən speaking peoples and the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations. Ada joined the Innovation Support Unit in the Department of Family Practice at UBC as a Research and Data Analyst after completing her Master’s in Public Health at the University of Victoria. Ada has extensive research experience supporting health systems transformation using evidence-based and culturally sensitive approaches. She consistently strives to collaborate effectively and respectfully with rights holders using innovative technologies that lead to transformative change for the health of populations, especially those who are systematically oppressed. In her role as a Research and Data Analyst at ISU, she coordinates the CapEs Delphi Processes, supporting the co-developing of evidence to inform a Primary Care Clinical Capacity Estimator Tool.

In her spare time, Ada loves inspiring communities through sport and fitness!